Prayer Letter 5.31.24

Hello, friends!

Happy weekend from Taking the Next Step On Your Journey, Inc!  Thank you for taking a couple of minutes to read this prayer letter!  

This maybe the first time you have received anything from us.  And you may already be wondering why.  May I take a second to tell you part of the reason “why?” 

God has called us to walk along side of you as your serve in a local church or ministry.  Or you have serve in some capacity in the past.  A big part of walking along side of you is praying for you.  I am praying for you today! I am so thankful God has given us the  opportunity to pray for YOU!  I would love to hear from you with specific ways in which we can pray.  Remember your prayer requests are confidential.  

A word of encouragement from God’s Word:

King David in Psalms 86: 1 – 4, CSB: 

1 Listen, Lord, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.

2 Protect my life, for I am faithful.

You are my God; save your servant who trusts in you.

3 Be gracious to me, Lord,
for I call to you all day long.

4 Bring joy to your servant’s life,
because I appeal to you, Lord.

A word of encouragement from a fellow journeyman:

As I was reading this passage, the first thing that jumped out at me was, “I call to you all day long.”  For those of you who know me very well, you know that I really like to talk.  One of the things I like to talk about is the things that are going on in my life.  Sometimes, it is good things.  Sometimes, it is not so good.  

King David seems to be in one of those times of not so good things.  He declares to His all knowing God, “I am poor and needy.”  Because of these feelings, he announces that he will “call to God all day long.”

God is always available to us when we call just as He was available to King David.  In some translations, call out is translated “cry out.”  Sounds a bit more intense doesn’t it?  Calling out or crying out is a reoccurring theme in Psalm 86.  

Although God is always faithful in His availability to those who find themselves in days of trouble, you and I are called to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6: 2).  The Holy Spirit knows there are times we need a fellow human with whom we can walk and talk.

You can call on me.  Or text me.  Or email me.  And I will pray!

A little challenges

Read Psalm 86 and see how many times the idea of calling out or crying out is evident in this psalm.

Please consider sharing this letter with others.  

I am praying for you! 

P. S.  Do you know someone that needs a Sunday off but doesn’t have someone to preach for them?  Connect us!

“Taking The Next Step On YOUR Journey, Inc.”

Morris Horner
333 Timberline Trail

Ormond Beach, FL  32174
(386) 898-2257

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