Tag Archives: prayer

Hello, friends! Happy weekend from Taking the Next Step On Your Journey, Inc!  Thank you for taking a couple of minutes to read this prayer letter!   This maybe the first time you have received anything from us.  And you … Continue reading

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Dear brothers and sisters,  I am praying for you today! I am so thankful for the opportunity to pray for fellow pastors and ministry leaders. Every human every born on this earth has many things in common.  My goal today … Continue reading

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Dear brothers and sisters,  You have been entrusted with the most important message in the world for  all of humanity.  And God has charged you with an immense responsibility.  I am praying for you today as you anticipate tomorrow.  I … Continue reading

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Dear pastors & friends, Happy Daytona 500 Weekend! I realize that Daytona 500 doesn’t apply to everyone that receives this prayer letter. But when in Daytona does as the Daytonians do, right? I apologize for the length of time since … Continue reading

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Morris’ Musing: USA & Repentance

For the last several weeks, I have struggled to keep my big mouth shut about the state of our nation.  Today, I am going to say what is on my heart.  And bear the consequences. The USA is still a … Continue reading

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Morris’ Musings: An Update From El Paso

Greetings from El Paso! It has been 12 days since I have posted an update…and MUCH has happened. “God, You are my God; I eagerly seek You. I thirst for You; my body faints for You in a land that … Continue reading

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Morris’ Musings: The Next Step On The Journey

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to read my musings–much continues to happen…Thanksgiving is almost here! Then Christmas, then New Years, then…GULP! I was in El Paso earlier in the week and I wanted to bring you up to date … Continue reading

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The Latest in Morris’ Life

It has been an exciting few weeks–and much has happened since I last posted: http://wp.me/pG5mP-jN. Here is the latest! Thank you for praying. God has answered many prayers out of His faithfulness. The paperwork is COMPLETE. I have completed my … Continue reading

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